Learn how to Eat Mindfully, Choose High Quality, Nutritious Foods Wisely + Habit-based coaching

The truth is, fitness nutrition and wellness aren’t as complicated as the media makes it out to be.

With nutrition, we get down to basics.  Really.  The basics are simple, but not easy: eating slowly, stopping before you get full, making good choices, understanding emotional eating, and building systems that support your goals rather than sabotaging them.

Without strong basic habits in place does it make sense to track calories?  I think not, so you won’t be using external measures like calories or points to guide you: you’ll build inner resilience based on what you learn helps you feel your best.

Top 10 Tips To Lose Weight Fast - Complete Guide

Proper nutrition can help you meet your goals for optimal health and fitness. I’ll help tailor a nutrition plan that will empower you with the knowledge and confidence to increase your health and meet your fitness goals. Unfortunately, I don’t promote a secret weight loss pill or a magical line of supplements that will transform your body overnight. Supplements will only be of benefit as an addition to a good eating plan – they cannot mask a poor one.

food journal nutrition by coachjayc

The key to your level of success ultimately comes down to good choices and clean eating. Sorry to tell you there are no shortcuts and it will take some initial sacrifice to recalibrate your taste buds and change your body’s preference to quality nutrient-dense foods. A good diet should not feel like you are actually dieting – learning the “what” and “how much”are the key factors in being able to reset your eating habits for your long-term health. 

My nutrition coaching takes into account your life, your needs, and your goals. I then develop a personalized plan that helps you eat, move, and live better. Nutrition programs are offered as part of my comprehensive training package. (no extra cost) What’s more, I’ll make sure it fits into your real life – the one you live every day.


In our strategy sessions, I will teach you these skills. If you already know that stuff, we’ll skip it and move on to advanced topics. I will teach you how to eat! No more diets or meal plans. You don’t need those and they don’t work anyway.

Nutrition Coaching by Coach JayC

Invest in your health with my Nutrition + Weight Management Counseling.

Getting practical advice from the food and nutrition experts is more than the icing on the cake. I will discuss your current lifestyle patterns and uncover the reasons behind certain food habits, after which you will receive a personalized nutrition plan. I can put you on the path to losing weight, eating healthy and reducing your risk of chronic disease.

Nutrition follow-up with Nutritionist;

Accountability is the key to losing weight. Let us continually analyze your meal plans and ensure your nutrition education to keep you on your fitness track. This follow-up includes body composition assessment, reviewing current needs, and, if needed, adjustment of meal plans. If you are truly looking for long-term behavior change, consider a package to save you some money while allowing you to reach your goals.  Because for most people accountability and following up are such a huge piece of the success puzzle, this might be exactly what you need to commit yourself.  No matter which package you choose, the education, support, and accountability I provide will be the key to your success. During the first session, I will conduct a full health assessment, and based on your goals, we will come up with a plan that we design together, to get you started on your way to a healthy lifestyle. 
Follow-up appointments allow us to tweak things as needed and keep you accountable and focused.  You will also receive support via online message, as well as feedback on your food intake, as needed, in between appointments.

All of the following packages can be applied to in-person, online, or a combination of both types of appointments. I will work with your schedule and preference!

Still have questions? Schedule a free consultation.

NB: There’s absolutely no obligation to sign up for anything, and I can’t guarantee you’ll be accepted as a client because of the limited clients i can accommodate. I can however promise a friendly chat where we’ll get to know each other, you’ll get the opportunity to questions, and come away with a little more clarity and direction on your goals.

Let’s Discuss Your Goals

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